====== Status 0 ====== -- Status 1: -- Camp-Words $,earn,money,paying Autosit OFF Resit-Timer OFF Walk-Emulation OFF Autosit-Delay 0 seconds Chair-UUID NULL Retouch-Timer OFF Retouch-Timer2 OFF Retouch-Timer3 OFF Object-Name NULL Retouch-Object NULL Retouch-Answer NULL Seek-Text NULL Seek-Modus OFF Auto-Pay 0 Pay-Text For you my dear! Sit-Status The bot isnt sitting yet. Chair-Status I cant see the Chair-UUID. Touch-Status I cant see the Touch-UUID. Camp-Scan OFF After-Sit OFF After-Sit Avatar NULL After-Sit UUID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 -- Status 2: -- Follow NULL Shadow OFF Range 5 m Robot-Mode OFF Robot-Stations OFF Griefer-Timeout 30 Fixed-Position NULL Fixed-Sim NULL Fixed-Toward NULL Fixed-Look-UUID NULL Pandora-Bot-ID 812ca0c0de36a3ad Pandora-Chat-Bot OFF Pandora-IM-Bot OFF Realism OFF One-Touch OFF One-Move NULL One-Start NULL Bot-Precision 1 -- Status 3: -- My UUID NULL Active-Group NULL Current-Members 0 -- Status 4: -- Hunt OFF Simsearch-Mode sim Hunt-Mode NULL Hunt-Words NULL Hunt-Timer 30 Hunt-Timer2 0 Save-Map OFF No-Simcheck OFF Grid-Coords 310 1111 (X) and 830 1212 (Y) Region-Bot NULL Landbot-Price 1 L$/sqm Auto-Buy OFF Buy-Group NULL Get-URL NULL Dwell OFF Get-File ON Auto-Rez NULL Auto-Rez Height 100 Auto-Rez Num 1 Watch-For NULL Turn-Emulation OFF Try-Timer 30 seconds Punk OFF Auto-Give NULL Auto-Invite NULL -- Status 5: -- Autosave ON No-Relog OFF Nickname Pikku Accept-Once OFF Always-Definition NULL Login-Wait OFF Teleport-Text My Master requested a teleport for you! Minimize OFF Alert ON Collision ON ANSWERS.txt 3 DYNAMIC.txt 3 SUPPORT.txt 5 Support-Mode OFF RANDOM.txt 4 Random-Mode OFF Random-Timer 950 MACROS.txt 3 TELEPORTS.txt 9 Teleport-Station 1 ROBOTS.txt 10 -- Status 6: -- Memory 34 mb Peak-Memory 37 mb Processname PikkuBot-Pikku_Bot Started 14.08.2008 20:27:53 CPU-Time 00:00:31.1093750 Max-Bandwidth 1500 kbyte/s Max-Mem 128 mb Timestamp 14.08.2008 20:58:09 UTC Timestamp 14.08.2008 18:58:09 Browser iexplore.exe -- Status 7: -- Dialogs ON IM-Debug OFF IM-Relay ON No-Chat OFF No-ChatObjects OFF No-IM-Objects OFF Chat-Log ON Chat-Relay ON IM-Repeat OFF Busy-Mode OFF Busy-Text The Resident you messaged is in 'busy mode' which means they have requested not to be disturbed. Your message will still be shown in their IM panel for later viewing. AFK-Mode OFF Silent-Mode OFF No-Group-IM OFF No-Flash OFF Anti-Spam ON Auto-Mute OFF Party OFF Static-Answer Please contact: My Master Dynamic-Answer OFF Annoy-Message OFF -- Status 8: -- Bot-Detect ON Bot-Kick ON Bot-Warn ON Bot-Info ON Bot-Text WARNING: Hey %BOTNAME%, I know that you are a Bot and i am watching you - be warned! Auto-Ban ON Ban-Words $,€,@,http,club,mall,sale,sell,sold,buy,... Bot-Seek 4096 m Bot-Time 10 Use-Estate ON Sim-Radar ON -- Status 9: -- Current location SL/128/128/22 Master PikkuBot Master-UUID 6612386a-45da-4f4c-a798-d0ee45444348 Real-Master PikkuBot Real-Master-UUID 123486a-45da-4f4c-a798-d0ee45444348 Balance 99 L$ PikkuBot Version 2.98 Next Login-URI https://login.agni.lindenlab.com/cgi-bin/login.cgi Current Login-URI https://login.agni.lindenlab.com/cgi-bin/login.cgi Login-Position saved Sim-Statistic OFF Objects-Mode OFF eStats-Interval OFF Bot-Commands 295 Y-Height 300 pixel Keys ON Mac default Sleep-Mode OFF No-Sound OFF IM Group-Key NULL Calling-Card OFF Simulator-Timeout 30 seconds Sending-Pings ON \\ ~~UP~~ ----