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Predefined behavior with ROBOT.txt

See also: ”robot
All Robot-Commands

File c:\…\PikkuBot\config\Botfirstname_Botlastname-ROBOT.txt:

Create this file in the \PikkuBot\config\ directory. This file has to contain one Robot command in each line. Parameters follow in the same line separated by a [Tab].

A detailed sample for the Robot control

# Special Bot-Script - [c] 2007 Eves Sinister
# define the start point
start SIM,220,44,22
# walk a bit around
position 237,72,22
# the bot goes to a definite position
position  227,70,22
# and waits 21 seconds for another avatar 
timeout 21
# if the search for a customer was unsuccessfully, skip next 4 stations W
skip 0
# bot says somthing to attract customers
say Who wants to party with me?
# bot is waiting for customers in a range of 15m 
customer 16
# if someone get´s in range say somthing
say Hey Baby look for my IM and have fun with me :-)
# wait a short while
sleep 3
# ask a question via IM
im If you want to have fun with me, answer my IM with "yes" otherwise answer "no"
# dfine a  Timeout/Skip before waiting to the response
timeout 30
skip 0
# waiting for an IM  from the customer
waitfor yes
# if the answer is correct then continue here 
say Ok, then follow me my dear
# raise range if customer isn´t so fast ^^
range 50
#where to go now? 
toward 205,34,21
position 205,34,21
position 194,30,21
toward 195,28,20
# give the customer an advice waht to do 
im you have to right mouse click and then choose "sit" 
sleep 5
im don´t hesitate it´s easy ;O) 
sleep 5
sit 51af9046-0278-c064-be11-e6d9b06ac22c
sleep 120
im Thank you so much for your attention! bye ;O) 
sleep 10

de/topics/a_detailed_sample_for_the_robot_control.1227808789.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/11/27 18:59 by rebekka = chi`s home Creative Commons License Valid CSS Driven by DokuWiki do yourself a favour and use a real browser - get firefox!! Recent changes RSS feed Valid XHTML 1.0