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All Commands (Premium)

Full Bot with all commands!
ATM: » 560 « v3.1.5.6

this page should be implemented completely soon… :-)



autoban [0|1]

Ban foreign users for Friendship Offers/Object Offers/Group Invitations.

autobite [0|1]

If HUD installed, the bot will try to bite someone in the current Sim

autobuy [0|1]

Automatically buy land which matches your sqm-price.

autochat [range] [text]

Chats the given text to all avatars in range

autogc [0|1]

Automatically do the garbage collection every 60 seconds

autogive [object-UUID] [range]

Gives the given object to any avatar the Bot meets, once in a Sim.

autoim [range] [text]

IMs the given text to all avatars in range

autoinvite [group-UUID] [range]

Invites any avatar to the given group, once in a Sim.

autolist [list-uuid] [range]

Adds any avatar to the given list, once in a sim

automute [0|1]

Mute objects after more than 10 OnScriptDialogs in a few seconds.

autopay [L$] [target-avatar]

If the balance of the Bot gets higher than the specified amount the complete amount will be paid to the given avatar or master if no avatar is defined.

autorebake [0|1]

Enable or disable the automatic baking of avatar textures after teleports

autorez [UUID] [num] [height]

In build-Bot mode, rez this object automatically where it is possible.

autosave [0|1]

Switches save to disk on/off.

autoshield [object-uuid]

The bot attaches the given prim while sitting.

autosit & sit & sn [0|1]

Sets AutoSit on/off.

autostand [range|sit-prim]

Sits automatically on another prim, if somebody is in range

autostart [0|1]

The bot will execute the autostart.txt after login - if enabled.

autoview [0|1]

The bot will automatically download and view offered notecards with notepad.exe

bot behaviour


Preceding any regular command with a '#' will supress its output and make the command quiet.


group actions


object interaction



prim / objects


documentation/all_commands_premium_cat.1248380433.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/07/23 22:20 by rebekka = chi`s home Creative Commons License Valid CSS Driven by DokuWiki do yourself a favour and use a real browser - get firefox!! Recent changes RSS feed Valid XHTML 1.0