Translations of this page:
  • English (USA)

This is an old revision of the document!

Status 0

-- Status 1: --
Camp-Words	        $,earn,money,paying
Autosit		        OFF
Resit-Timer	        OFF
Walk-Emulation	        OFF
Autosit-Delay	        0 seconds
Chair-UUID	        NULL
Retouch-Timer	        OFF
Retouch-Timer2	        OFF
Retouch-Timer3	        OFF
Object-Name	        NULL
Retouch-Object	        NULL
Retouch-Answer	        NULL
Seek-Text	        NULL
Seek-Modus	        OFF
Auto-Pay		0
Pay-Text		For you my dear!
Sit-Status		The bot isnt sitting yet.
Chair-Status	        I cant see the Chair-UUID.
Touch-Status	        I cant see the Touch-UUID.
Camp-Scan	        OFF
After-Sit		OFF
After-Sit Avatar	NULL
After-Sit UUID	        00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

-- Status 2: --
Follow		        NULL
Shadow		        OFF
Range		        5 m
Robot-Mode	        OFF
Robot-Stations   	OFF
Griefer-Timeout	        30
Fixed-Position	        NULL
Fixed-Sim		NULL
Fixed-Toward	        NULL
Fixed-Look-UUID	        NULL
Pandora-Bot-ID	        812ca0c0de36a3ad
Pandora-Chat-Bot	OFF
Pandora-IM-Bot	        OFF
One-Touch	        OFF
One-Move	        NULL
One-Start		NULL

-- Status 3: --
My UUID		        NULL
Active-Group	        NULL
Current-Members	        0

-- Status 4: --
Hunt		        OFF
Simsearch-Mode	        sim
Hunt-Mode	        NULL
Hunt-Words	        NULL
Hunt-Timer	        30
Hunt-Timer2	        0
Save-Map	        OFF
No-Simcheck	        OFF
Grid-Coords	        310 1111 (X) and 830 1212 (Y)
Region-Bot	        NULL
Landbot-Price	        1 L$/sqm
Auto-Buy		OFF
Buy-Group	        NULL
Get-URL		        NULL
Get-File		ON
Auto-Rez		NULL
Auto-Rez Height	        100
Auto-Rez Num	        1
Watch-For	        NULL
Turn-Emulation	        OFF
Try-Timer		30 seconds
Punk                   OFF

-- Status 5: --
Autosave		ON
No-Relog		OFF
Master		        My Master
Master-UUID	        NULL
Nickname	        Pikku
Accept-Once	        OFF
Accept-Always	        OFF
Login-Wait	        OFF
Teleport-Text	        My Master requested a teleport for you!
Minimize		OFF
Alert		        ON
ANSWERS.txt	        3
DYNAMIC.txt	        3
SUPPORT.txt	        5
Support-Mode	        OFF
RANDOM.txt	        4
Random-Mode	        OFF
Random-Timer	        950
MACROS.txt	        3
TELEPORTS.txt	        9
Teleport-Station	1
ROBOTS.txt	        10

-- Status 6: --
Memory		        34 mb
Peak-Memory	        37 mb
Processname	        PikkuBot-Pikku_Bot
Started		        14.08.2008 20:27:53
CPU-Time	        00:00:31.1093750
Max-Bandwidth	        1500 kbyte/s
Max-Mem		        128 mb
Timestamp	        14.08.2008 20:58:09
UTC Timestamp	        14.08.2008 18:58:09
Browser		        iexplore.exe

-- Status 7: --
Dialogs		        ON
IM Group-Key	        NULL
IM-Debug		OFF
IM-Relay		ON
No-Chat		        OFF
No-ChatObjects	        OFF
No-IM-Objects	        OFF
Chat-Log		ON
Chat-Relay	        ON
IM-Repeat	        OFF
Busy-Mode	        OFF
AFK-Mode	        OFF
Silent-Mode	        OFF
No-Group-IM	        OFF
No-Flash		OFF
Anti-Spam	        ON
Auto-Mute	        OFF
Party		        OFF
Static-Answer	        Please contact: My Master
Dynamic-Answer	        OFF

-- Status 8: --
Bot-Detect	        ON
Bot-Kick		ON
Bot-Warn		ON
Bot-Info		ON
Bot-Text		WARNING: Hey %BOTNAME%, I know that you are a Bot and i am watching you - be warned!
Auto-Ban		ON
Ban-Words               $,€,@,http,club,mall,sale,sell,sold,buy,...
Bot-Seek		4096 m
Bot-Time		10
Use-Estate	        ON
Sim-Radar	        ON

-- Status 9: --
Current location	SL/128/128/22
Master		        PikkuBot
Master-UUID	        6612386a-45da-4f4c-a798-d0ee45444348
Real-Master	        PikkuBot
Real-Master-UUID	123486a-45da-4f4c-a798-d0ee45444348
Balance		        99 L$
PikkuBot Version	2.87
Next Login-URI
Current Login-URI
Sim-Statistic	        OFF
Objects-Mode	        OFF
eStats-Interval	        OFF
Bot-Commands	        272
Y-Height		300 pixel
Keys		        ON
Mac		        default
Sleep-Mode	        OFF
No-Sound	        OFF

installation/status_0_example.1225097105.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/10/27 09:45 by silver = chi`s home Creative Commons License Valid CSS Driven by DokuWiki do yourself a favour and use a real browser - get firefox!! Recent changes RSS feed Valid XHTML 1.0